VR Themed Stories in Virtual Reality

I made the original artwork in TiltBrush and then decided it wasn’t appropriate for the rest of the project. I needed higher res 3D model renders from Sketchfab. I like the feel of TiltBrush visually but the environment was too dense to produce in the time frame.


I chose to use story of Avalon because I like the theme of producing VR stories, films and tv shows about VR in VR. It’s more than just adding immersion and presence. For me, it ‘s about exploring the subject, as closely as possible. Exploring privacy of data, lives, what it’s like to live in a simulation, in the way that it has been told. I tend to focus on less well known and obvious stories and although disturbing in places, it’s visually complelling.

I found an Avalon DVD with English dubbing but chose to rewatch it in Polish with English subtitles.
The story of Avalon is actually quite harrowing. It’s a tale of people’s obsession with a virtual reality game that renders them lost to insanity. The film explores what is real as a central theme. It’s probably not the best material for a game. But like the Dream within a Dream, I chose to make the original film’s game within a game.

Tagline: Heaven of Shadows

What makes Avalon VR different


Freedom fighters in an illegal virtual reality game. 

Take it as a cautionary tale or just a bloody good game.

No blood.

Multiplayer mode (up to 6 players)

Single player mode

Co-operative game 


Solo (+ NPC players)




A simulation within a simulation

Linear timeline missions

Ultimate end goal is accessing Class Real and removing the Unreturned who reset the game too soon

Class Real

Spatial Audio

Play Virtual Reality in Virtual Reality

Tech specs:

Oculus Quest 


Hand Tracking - keyboard





Set up T***VR gmail, Twitter and Instagram 

T***XR gmail, Twitter and Instagram 

Game mechanics


What does it mean - who is she

What is her mission

RPG more than FPS





—notion of prestige clases Bishop (Wizardry game reference see wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizardry    

Classic mode had chiptune music and 8 bit

Starfish, the development team behind Wizardry Empire, would later go on to create Elminage, a series of DRPGs that retained the original Gothic aesthetic (and difficulty) of the western Wizardry games.  Elminage was notable for using the expanded "kemonojin" races from Wizardry Asterisk, also by Starfish, as well as the summoner class from Wizardry: Summoner -- these included "Were-Beast," "Dragonnewt," "Fairy," and "Devilkin" as well as expanded classes such as "Brawler" (a hand to hand melee specialist), "Alchemist" (a combination crafting class and spellcaster), and "Summoner" (a spellcasting class that can tame and summon monsters from the dungeon). These "expanded" Japanese Wizardry mechanics would be reused in future Elminage games as well as notably Class of Heroes.

Group was called Wizard - Ash’s team

New team has NPCs

There is an appointed time to log in - is this live?

Crogan fails to recognise that they are Freedom Fighters and it’s anti-Imperialistic

Background Notes:

Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EXrB1Djg1k 
Glitch character - Ghost 
Wizard team 
Locked into the game body and brain - can wreck a players brain 
Imperfect effects - means of storytelling  
What is reality? 
What is the ultimate goal of the game? 
At which point will fiction and reality collide? 
see icon 3m07s 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmGCywGrsAw [miramax] 
important visual elements 
Ghost glitch 
Special A
A Spy 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3I11AxHfNI [Miramax] 
A Lonely Obession 
Uses a Decahedron as a standby icon 
The game will start in…  
Swipe card to gain access 
Video conference - told about Nine Sisters and Morgan le Fey 
Meets Jill from the Nine Sisters 
“I don’t expect data for free" 
"There are lots of ways to make a living in Avalon” 
Tell me about Special A? 
The real Nine Sisters are the ones that programme the game 
Guy dies who has been providing info 
Ash returns to reality and throws up 
RESET flashing on screen 
Load Map data 
Includes lots of military snips 
Caption: Log Off 
Polish Art Director: Barbara Now 
Class Real  
Avalon (2001) Mamoru Oshii Synopsis: In a near future, young people are increasingly becoming addicted to an illegal (and potentially deadly) battle simulation game called Avalon. When Ash, a star player, hears of rumors that a more advanced level of the game exists somewhere, she gives up her loner ways and joins a gang of explorers. In this scene, She has found Class real, the final level. There She realize she knows comebody... Will She want come back to her world? 
The streak is why they call her ash 
Do you want to feel real pain in a real body? 
Does it have to be this way? 
When one of us dies and that body doesn’t vanish, the other one will know 
Ash, Don’t let appearances confuse you, this is the world where you belong. 
Tilt brush type effects 
Avalon VR 
Heaven of Shadows 
Mamoru Oshii on Death Stranding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFY7_ZFKNl4 Nov 18 2019 
Fighting is the easiest to understand and is a good motivator. A player can feel a sense of accomplishment quickly. 
The backbone of games is knowing how to inspire that motivation. 
He [Hideo Kojima] changed that.  
What does it mean to connect? Something so simple that you can get intuitively like this is a big deal. 
On the other hand, running from a fight is the ultimate form of this idea. 
There’s nothing more interesting than creating your own world. 
My beloved Gabriel, my pet basset hound. This movie is about me and my dog. 
Non-Avalon interview 
Air warfare removes the psychological weight generated by direct witnessing of a person killing another. It's a murder that distance and speed deprive of its harshness.

Film Website: http://www.avalon-movie.com

Library list study aids for researching the film:

Stray dog of anime: the films of Mamoru Oshii by Brian Ruh (2014)

Simultaneous Worlds: Global Science Fiction Cinema Author: by Mark Azzopardi (2015)

Simulation, history and experience in Oshii’s Avalon and military-entertainment technoculture  by Crogan, Patrick  (2010)

Media Heterotopia and Transnational Filmmaking: Mapping Real and Virtual Worlds  by Hye Jean Chung  (2012)

The Cinema of Mamoru Oshii: Fantasy, Technology and Politics Kindle Edition by Dani Cavallaro (2006)

MAMORU OSHII AVALON Making Art Book Movie Construction Class SA (2001)

Building Sci-fi Moviescapes: The Science Behind the Fiction By Matt Hanson (2005)

Adapting philosophy: Jean Baudrillard and The Matrix Trilogy Author: Catherine Constable (2013) Discusson of simulation theory of the Matrix

ARE YOU LIVING IN A COMPUTER SIMULATION? by Nick Bostrum [Published in Philosophical Quarterly (2003) Vol. 53, No. 211, pp. 243‐255. (2001)

Your Effort to Remain What You Are is What Limits You: Transhumanism in the Films of Mamoru Ohii by Mathew Pouleter Thesis submitted in Canada (2014)

Polarising Avalon: The European virtuosity and global virtuality of Marmoru Oshii’s filmic imarginary by Susan Ingram and Markus Resisenleitner (2006) in New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film Vo 4 #2

Gameplay Mode: War, Simulation, and Technoculture. From the Military-Industrial to the Military-Entertainment Compex by Patrcik Crogran. Published to Minnesota Scholarship Online (August 2015)

The Many Faces of Popular Culture and Contemporary Processes: Questioning Identity, Humanity and Culture through Japanese Anime by Mateja Kovacic (2014) in The IAFOR Journal of Arts and Humanites Vol II Issue I

Mamoru Oshii’s Exploration of the Potentialities of Consciousness in a Globalist Capitalist Network by Artur Lozano-Mendez (2015)


Reality Lab 2019


Movie Construction